262.7 thousand visitor visits to Israel were reported in May 2022 (465.7 thousand in 2019).

249.2 thousand tourist arrivals (439.9 thousand in 2019).

13.5 thousand entries of day visitors (25.8 thousand in 2019).

With the reduction of restrictions imposed on tourists entering Israel following the COVID-19, the trend of recovery in inbound tourism continues.

In January 2022, 46.7 thousand visitors entered Israel, in February 90.7 thousand visits, in March 172.3 thousand visits and in April 218.9 thousand visits. In May 2022, 262.7 thousand visitor entries were recorded, the highest number since the beginning of the Corona crisis.

The highest number of visitors in May 2022 was from the United States – 87.6 thousand visits (33.3% of all visitors to Israel).