For the third year in a row, El Al was ranked in the maximum rating of five service stars in the APEX (“Airline Passenger Experience Organization”) prestigious airline survey. Again this year, the company met the high and professional standard and was ranked in the five service stars for 2024, and is on par with the largest and leading companies in the world. The rating in the customer experience category refers to the flight experience in various aspects including the comfort of the seat, the entertainment system, the service and more.
This is a significant achievement for El Al, which now maintains a streak of winning local and international awards in the field of service, including 2 awards in the MILL competition for service excellence, the BRAVO consumer recommendation award for 2023, in cooperation with the international research institute “Kantar Media”, and at the beginning of May, El Al won In first place in the reliability index of Globes and Statista.
The APEX ranking measures the 600 leading airlines in the world, and is based on the opinions of the customers themselves, on more than a million flights operated by 600 different airlines from all over the world, which were examined and influenced the annual ranking.
The categories in which each company is ranked are diverse, and include many fields , which together reflect a complete flight experience. The passengers rating in the customer experience category were asked to rate their flight experience, in five parameters: seat comfort, cabin service, food and beverages, entertainment system and Wi-Fi. The survey data is collected by APEX during the year 2023 and the results for the year 2024 have just been published.
El Al is in the midst of the process of upgrading the flight experience in all its aspects, and as part of an investment in this process, El Al launched the new chef’s menu by Assaf Granit, upgraded the first Boeing 777 in the fleet to the Dreamliner configuration, at the same time, the renewed frequent flyer program was adapted to the leading loyalty clubs in the world of aviation , and more.
According to Dina Ben Tal Ganancia, CEO of El Al: “I am thrilled to receive on behalf of El Al the five prestigious service stars from APEX for the third time in a row. During the past year, thousands of El Al people worked diligently to provide the best flight experience, this rating is first and foremost due to them and for them. I want to thank our customers for the support, your choice in us is not taken for granted and it is our engine for continued fruitful work and renewal for you”.