El Al signed an agreement to lease 2 additional 787-9 Dreamliner aircraft. The lease period will be 15 years for each plane, with the delivery dates of the planes being the third quarter of 2025 and the first quarter of 2026. The signing took place as part of the Paris Air Salon in which El Al senior officials took part.
This is the realization of El Al’s 2017 agreement with AERCAP, which grants El Al the option to lease two 787 aircraft. Last month, El Al announced in the financial statements for the first quarter of 2023, that it extended the agreement in question and is now announcing the realization of the agreement.
With the receipt of the aircraft, 19 Boeing 787 aircraft will operate in the company’s service (15 787 aircraft which are already operating in the company’s service and four more 787 aircraft expected to be received between 2023-2026).
In the original equipment program, El Al ordered 16 Dreamliner aircraft, 15 of which have already been delivered to the company and are in active service. The 16th model 787-8 aircraft, named “Nof HaGalil” is awaiting delivery to El Al in the US and is expected to be delivered in the third quarter of 2023. In addition, at the end of 2022, El Al signed with the aircraft manufacturer Boeing a proposal document for the purchase of a new Boeing 787 aircraft -9 equipped with two Rolls Royce engines. This is El Al’s Dreamliner number 17 and is expected to be delivered in the second quarter of 2024. The aircraft was originally manufactured for another customer whose identity has not been revealed.