An exciting find from Jerusalem was presented for the first time during a joint press conference of the Israel Antiquities Authority and the Israel Museum: a unique stone inscription dating to the Second Temple Period (First Century CE), mentioning Jerusalem, written in Hebrew letters, and using the spelling as we know it today. The inscription reads: Hananiah son of Dodalos of Jerusalem. The inscription will be displayed to the public at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem, as part of a new exhibit presenting unique artifacts from the capital. The Inscription was discovered during the Israel Antiquities Authority excavations near Binyanei Ha’Uma, prior to the construction of a new road, undertaken and funded by Moriah – the Jerusalem Development Company and the Jerusalem Development Authority. During the excavations, the foundations of a Roman structure were exposed, which were supported by columns. The most important discovery was a stone column drum, reused in the Roman structure, upon which the Aramaic inscription appears, written in Hebrew letters typical of the Second Temple Period, around the time of Herod the Great’s reign.