This week, about 60,000 tourists are expected to arrive in Israel ahead of Passover and Easter. It’s traditionally a busy time of year for tourism, starting with Holy Week (this year, beginning April 2) and continuing to Easter on April 9. Passover begins the night of April 5 and ends the night of April 12.
Throughout this time, many museums and tourist sites are open to the public for free and special free guided tours are planned. Check out the Tourism Ministry’s website for details.
Tourism Minister Haim Katz said he is pleased to see a positive trend in incoming tourism, which is climbing back to normal levels after the pandemic.
Since the beginning of the year, there has been a significant rise in incoming tourism, with 916,000 tourists arriving. In March alone, 352,000 tourist entries were recorded.
For the Ministry of Tourism website and activities, visit here: https://www.gov.il/en/departments/ministry_of_tourism/govil-landing-page