The leading digital travel platform Booking.com reveals insights from more than 28,000 travelers in 28 countries and territories, including Israel, to discover what produces the greatest hope among them for a day that will be safe to travel and travel again, and what does the industry need now to get back on its feet.
71% of Israeli travelers said they would rather go on vacation than find true love; 61% of Israelis testified that they would only travel to countries that have implemented population vaccination programs; 80% of Israelis feel more hopeful about vacations in 2021 thanks to vaccines; About two-thirds of Israelis (65%) indicate that they will not travel around the world until they are vaccinated; 61% of Israelis reported that the inability to go on vacation adversely affected their mental health; 64% of Israeli travelers are willing to be instructed that only those who have been vaccinated can go on vacation.
Despite the knowledge that we have not yet reached the end of the epidemic, about 80% of Israeli travelers and two-thirds of global travelers (66%) feel that there is more hope when it comes to travel and travel in 2021, due to the unwavering commitment of scientific and medical communities. A similar number of Israeli travelers (77%) and the same number of global travelers (66%) claimed that the inability to travel extensively in 2020 made them miss travel and vacation even more in 2021.
74% of Israelis say that traveling is more important to them now than before the outbreak of the plague (64% among travelers around the world). So much so that almost three-quarters of them (71% among Israelis and global travelers) have even gone so far as to say they would rather go on vacation in 2021 than find true love. There were also those who testified that they would rather travel than succeed at work, and for them they would even choose to go on vacation rather than get a promotion in the workplace (67% Israelis and 66% global).