Expo Tel Aviv, Israel’s largest center for international exhibitions, events and conferences, is launching a new service that allows for conferences and virtual events as well as live streaming lectures, as an intermediate solution and as part of a gradual process of returning to routine.
Companies, organizations and individuals interested in hosting conferences and events with many attendees under the existing constraints, can now benefit from the highest experience, knowledge and communication infrastructure of Expo Tel Aviv and hold multi-participant digital events and conferences, with the highest professional standards and conferences – at Expo Tel Aviv.
For the benefit of conferences and digital events, Expo Tel Aviv uses advanced software that simulates physical conferences and enables online chat as in a news studio, as well as providing virtual sponsorships for the conference.
As part of the move, one of Expo Tel Aviv’s conference halls will be converted into a broadcasting studio while making adjustments in the arrangement of lighting fixtures, sound, high level of knowledge streaming, and the logistical preparation for a comprehensive and complete service for each customer according to his/hers needs and existing broadcast platform.
The holding of conferences and digital events at Expo Tel Aviv is possible both in the form of a one-way broadcast and in the form of receiving questions and feedback from the participants in real time. In addition, the Tel Aviv Expo widget will continue to serve the organizers and participants of conferences and events by providing the option of registration, information and alerts.