The application will be launched at the 25th tourism exhibition, which will be held on Tuesday, and will offer visitors a navigation platform in the pavilions, navigation to the nearby parking lot, personalized information and more. Eyal Shmueli, one of the founders of IMTM, said, “We are excited to be the first to use the advanced platform of the Tel Aviv Expo. The world of exhibitions and professional fairs is full of content, information and transactions that are woven throughout the exhibition. The app can help and give visitors a better and more comprehensive experience.”
The application will provide the user with a navigation platform that will help them navigate between the various stands in the huge pavilion. The user interface will also allow you to receive all the material about each exhibitor at the exhibition, and even arrange a personal meeting with the various exhibitors. The application is based on a technology called Beacons, a location-based device similar to GPS but inside a closed structure.