Tourist overnight stays in October 2022 was approximately 818,000, a 27% decrease compared to October 2019. In Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, lower gaps were recorded compared to 2019: tourist accommodation was low 12% and 18% (respectively) compared to October 2019.
Regarding overnight stays of Israelis: the mixed trend continues, in October the overnight stays amounted to approximately 1.29 million, a decrease of 6% compared to October last year, and an increase of 17% compared to October 2019. Total Israeli overnight stays in the first ten months of 2022, more than in all of 2019. Total overnight stays: approximately 2.1 million – a 5% decrease compared to October 2019.
The national room occupancy amounted to about 64% compared to about 48% in October 2021 and 68% in October 2019. The highest occupancy rates were recorded in Eilat: about 72% and in the Dead Sea: about 71%, then Nazareth with about 66%, Jerusalem with 64%, Tel Aviv with 64%, Herzliya with 63%, Tiberias and Haifa with about 60% each one and Netanya with about 58%.
The Israel Hotel Association: “The month of October is traditionally considered a strong month for incoming tourism upon arrival in the country of many pilgrimage groups. The real test of the return of tourists from abroad to Israel will be in the winter months. Without a significant campaign, to attract tourists from frozen Europe to Israel, the land of the eternal sun, we fear that the tourism industry will suffer a heavy blow. The Ministry of Tourism must take advantage of the Israel’s climatic advantage and start an intensive marketing campaign in the world, without delay. At the rate things are going right now, we may lose momentum and the investment will go down the drain. Domestic tourism continues to prove its strength and breaks the 2019 and 2020 records on an annual basis”.