Dear Friends,
Two months ago, we all stood at the opening of the IMTM 2020 International Tourism Exhibition, after an unprecedented year of tourism – in which Israelis flew abroad in droves, discovering new destinations and returning to their favorite tourist destinations.
Domestic tourism has grown as well, as inbound tourism has reached unprecedented numbers. Who would have thought that within two months we would be standing there, when the tourism sector would stop, with no pace or traffic?!
IMTM, in its 27th format, has become the main intersection in tourism planning for the coming year, so as the IMTM organizers – we are here for you, even during these difficult days.
Everyone in the tourism industry is in anguish these days, tourism has stopped all over the world, and the Israeli tourist who loves to spend time abroad, will be the first to go back and return to his and hers favorite destinations. Therefore, even today – during these difficult times, the strategy for exiting the crisis must be planned, to return the movement to its former state – slowly but surely.
The incoming tourism that has frozen these days will also come back soon. People will not forget the beauty of our country, and all it has to offer. The Ministry of Tourism is currently planning for the following day- and its marketing campaigns / programs to bring back the tourists.
Since the IMTM show has been at the forefront of the Eastern Mediterranean tourism industry for 26 years, we will continue to do so today. We are here to advise, help, contribute and support all tourism sectors, and together with you – we will make all efforts to emerge together from the COVID19 crisis towards another great IMTM in 2021.
Healthy days for everyone,
Eyal Shmueli, Lior Gelfand