“Interest in Israel as a tourist destination remains strong. Our presence at tourism fairs against the backdrop of the war is intended to convey a clear message that Israel is open to tourism and expects the return of the millions of tourists who visit the country every year”.
Israel’s Minister of Tourism, Haim Katz, held a press conference for about 50 journalists from the German market and met with receiving ministers, tourism and aviation companies, with the aim of promoting cooperation and the tourism movement entering Israel, one of the important engines of the Israeli economy.
Minister Katz: “Interest in Israel as a tourist destination remains strong. Our presence at tourism fairs against the backdrop of the war is intended to convey a clear message that Israel is open to tourism and expects the return of the millions of tourists who visit the country every year”.
Amongst the many guests visiting the ITB, one could meet up with Kai Wegner – Governing Mayor of Berlin; Franziska Giffey – Senator for Economic Affairs, Energy and Public Enterprises and Dieter Janecek – Federal Government Coordinator of the Maritime Industry and Tourism, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and other senior officials to its stand during the Official Opening Tour of ITB Berlin.
ITB Berlin, which took place from 5 to 7 March 2024 on the Berliner Exhibition Grounds, reports excellent bookings for a total of 150,000 square meters, equivalent to over 90 per cent of the display area. At 87 per cent, international participation in the World’s Leading Travel Trade Show is at a record high. The ITB Buyers Circle with 1,300 senior buyers serves as an industry barometer and underlines the global importance of ITB Berlin.