The trend of recovery in tourism to Israel continues: in January 2023, 257.4 thousand tourist arrivals were recorded (compared to 46.2 thousand in January 2022, and 284.8 thousand in January 2019). This is an increase of 457% compared to January last year (a month in which the Israeli skies were still closed to tourists) and a decrease of only about 9.6% compared to January 2019. It will be mentioned that 2019 was a record year for tourism to Israel.
Meanwhile, this week, about 160 wholesalers and travel agents from all over the world will come to Israel for a tour, at the invitation of the Ministry of Tourism. Most of the participants have never been to Israel and do not currently market Israel in their countries. They will stay in the country for about a week, get to know the Israeli tourist product and meet with the people of the local industry.
The visit, which takes place as part of the “Israel Conference” organized by the Ministry of Tourism every year (except during COVID-19), is planned to be held around the international tourism fair IMTM, where they can tour and get an impression of the vacation options in Israel as well as establish working relationships.
The Ministry of Tourism offers agents 4 different tour itineraries: Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Desert and Eilat, spirituality and religion in Israel, culinary and multiculturalism.