The report on hotel and resort stays in Israel indicates an impressive recovery of hotels in domestic tourism-oriented areas in June. In these areas, there has been an increase in Israeli overnight stays, even compared to 2019.
A total of 1.7 million overnights were recorded in June, of which about 1.6 million were Israeli overnights (96%), an increase of 28% (Israeli overnights) compared to June 2019. The average national occupancy was 52%.
The highest occupancy rates were recorded in domestic tourism-oriented areas: Eilat, about 87%, compared with about 77% (an increase of 12%) in 2019. The Dead Sea with about 73% occupancy compared to about 68% in June 2019.
In the rest of the country, the negative trend of a decrease in occupancy compared to 2019 continues, with the most prominent cities being: Tel Aviv with an occupancy of about 40% compared to about 86% (a decrease of 53%) in 2019, Jerusalem occupying about 25% compared to About 73% (decrease of 66%) and Nazareth about 9% occupied compared to about 72% (decrease 88%) in June 2019.
In other cities, too, there was a decrease in occupancy in June: Herzliya had about 56% occupancy, compared with about 80% (a decrease of 29%) in 2019. Haifa has about 53% occupancy compared to 70% (decrease of 24%). Tiberias is about 50% occupied compared to about 68% (decrease of 26%). Netanya about 47% compared to about 65% (decrease of 28%).