The Israel Hotels Association has confirmed the appointment of Adv. Yael Danieli as CEO.
Danieli holds a bachelor’s degree in law, a bachelor’s degree in thermodynamics and a master’s degree in communications and journalism. She served as VP of Regulation at OPC Energy and CEO of the Fuel Companies Association.
Yael has extensive experience working with government ministries, the Knesset and various authorities, as well as experience in management and leading industry regulation with the authorities.
“I look forward to dealing with the complex challenges facing the hotel industry in Israel, both due to the tough competition and the deep involvement of regulation in the local hotel industry,” said Danieli. “The hotel industry is one of the leading economic sectors in Israel, and as such, its success will contribute to the economy and image of the country.”
Danieli will assume her position on Oct. 1 and will replace Yahel Ben-Ner, who is leaving her position due to medical reasons.