“In accordance with the policy of the Minister of Tourism, Haim Katz, the ministry is working to encourage tourism among audiences that support Israel, including Jews, evangelicals, and audiences that are less affected by complex geopolitical situations. In the past year, nearly a million tourists arrived in Israel and we are working hard to make 2025 the year of recovery in incoming tourism”.
At the invitation of the Ministry of Tourism, CEO of Russian airline Red Wings, Vladimir Kaminin, visited Israel with the aim of examining details for opening a new airline route for the company, from Moscow to Ramon Airport in Eilat, in the coming months.
The CEO met with senior officials from the relevant bodies – the Ministry of Tourism, the Airports Authority, the Civil Aviation Authority, the Eilat Hotel Association, the Eilat Municipality and other industry stakeholders.
The Ministry is currently working with airlines and agents in Russia to create vacation packages suitable for different levels of accommodation. The Director of the Russian Bureau has worked throughout the recent period to maintain close ties with airlines and agents in Russia, which includes, among other things, holding seminars on Israel as an attractive tourist destination, supporting marketing channels, hosting key figures in the tourism industry, and more. The expected opening of the route is a result of these actions, and the Ministry of Tourism hopes that this is the first swallow that will bring additional airlines in its wake, who will recognize the economic potential of opening a route to Eilat.
The Ministry of Transportation is currently carrying out intensive staff work together with the Airports Authority, the Civil Aviation Authority and the Ministry of Tourism, together with the airline’s CEO Russian with the aim of examining details for opening a new airline route for the company, from Moscow to Ramon Airport in Eilat, in the coming months, as part of efforts to bring foreign airlines back to Israel.
Director General of the Ministry of Tourism, Danny Shahar: “In accordance with the policy of the Minister of Tourism, Haim Katz, the ministry is working to encourage tourism among audiences that support Israel, including Jews, evangelicals, and audiences that are less affected by complex geopolitical situations. In the past year, nearly a million tourists arrived in Israel and we are working hard to make 2025 the year of recovery in incoming tourism”.