“No bids below the minimum price will be accepted. The tender in question is for the Ministry of Tourism’s recommendations only, as detailed in the tender brochure. A bid submitted without a recommendation from the Ministry of Tourism will be rejected. In addition to the payment for the land, the winner will pay development costs and additional development costs to Israel Land Authority. The minimum price, development expenses/additional development expenses, deposit amount and other data will be published in the tender brochure”.
The Israel Land Authority, in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism, announced this week (Sunday) that it is marketing land for the construction of 265 guest rooms in 2 hotel complexes in the Wine Park in Zichron Ya’akov in the Haifa region.
The complexes marketed in the tender are intended for hotels as part of the ‘Integrated Tourism Zone-Zikron Ya’akov – Wine Park’ program which covers approximately 606 dunams south of the Neve Sharet neighborhood and east of Route 652 in Zikr Ya’akov.
The Wine Park is an integrated tourist complex that includes about 265 hotel/hospitality rooms, about 200 residential units that are under construction, areas for industry and crafts that have a tourist character in the field of wine production and its products, alongside open and private public areas. The complex includes areas for tourism and recreation, industry and crafts that have tourist character, road infrastructure, institutions and public buildings and open areas for the well-being of visitors and vacationers.
The Israel Land Authority stated regarding the opened tender: “No bids below the minimum price will be accepted. The tender in question is for the Ministry of Tourism’s recommendations only, as detailed in the tender brochure. A bid submitted without a recommendation from the Ministry of Tourism will be rejected. In addition to the payment for the land, the winner will pay development costs and additional development costs to Israel Land Authority. The minimum price, development expenses/additional development expenses, deposit amount and other data will be published in the tender brochure”.